Updated COVID-19 protocols (Nov. 19, 2021)

TO:   Clergy, wardens, and lay readers
FROM: Bishop Bruce Myers

Quebec’s public health authorities have recently made some adjustments to COVID-19 protocols for places of worship, which I’d like to bring to your attention.

MASKS: It is now required that masks be worn by everyone in church, even while seated. This return to a previous practice is in response to the arrival of autumn and more activities moving indoors, bringing with it the potential for a spike in the number of COVID-19 cases. Choir members may continue to sing without masks so long as they are at least two metres from each other and from the congregation. Presiders, readers, and intercessors may also speak without masks so long as they too are at least two metres from each other and the congregation.

REGISTERS: It is no longer required to keep a register of those attending services for the purposes of contact tracing. This also applies to weddings and funerals.

Other COVID-19 protocols that remain in place for places of worship are:

  • Depending on the size of the church building, a maximum of 250 people is permitted to attend a service. This includes funerals and weddings. In smaller buildings the maximum number will be the number of people from different households who can be seated while maintaining a distance of one metre.
  • If a church building is used for a viewing prior to a funeral, a maximum of 50 people is permitted at any given time.
  • Congregational singing is permitted if masks are worn.
  • Receptions held following funerals or weddings are limited to 25 people, and food and beverages may only be shared if they are served to individuals at their seat and/or they are prepared in a self-contained box or wrapper ahead of time.
  • Fellowship time after services is permitted, but food and beverages must be served in the same manner as for receptions.

As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me or Archdeacon Edward Simonton.

‘Your identity was death. Now, let repentance make your identity life.’
Updated COVID-19 protocols (Dec. 17, 2021)