Praying for one another is a way of calling to mind that we are part of a church which extends far beyond that which we can see. By holding up each other in prayer, we are reminded that we are all members of the body of Christ, which extends across time and space. Below are some cycles of prayer you are invited to use individually or in your worshiping community as a means of maintaining communion with sisters and brothers in Christ near and far.

The Diocesan Fellowship of Prayer holds up different congregations and ministries in our diocese each week. 

The Anglican-Lutheran-Moravian Cycle of Prayer for Canada invites you to pray each week for places, people, and ministries across the Anglican Church of Canada and our full communion partners in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and the Moravian Church in Canada.

Pray for a different part of the worldwide Anglican Communion with the Anglican Cycle of Prayer

Pray for churches of all traditions throughout the world using the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle of the World Council of Churches.